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Varsity Volleyball Shuts Down Santa Maria

Last night our lady Panthers beat Santa Maria High in their first home game of the season with a final score of 25-14. Emmy DeLa Pena, senior, was proud of last night’s game and how well she and the team did overall, "Tonight was a big night for me because it’s my senior year, so it was my last time playing against Santa Maria. We played with our all and ended up winning. I'm proud of how we played as a team." As for the rest of the season, junior Sophia Valenzuela is very optimistic: "I think this season is going to be the best one yet, because our team truly wants to win and we are all willing to work together to do it."

- Deja Stewart


Photos by Nestor Lopez


Cross County Runners Push Through the Heat

Last Saturday PVHS cross country runners competed in a heated up Arroyo Grande against 8 other schools from as far away as Ventura and Paso Robles. “It was a very competitive meet, but we came through with some good PR’s (personal records),” said Eduardo Uribe. The 2.5 mile course was unusually challenging due to the hills. Eduardo Enriquez shared, “I felt great when I was done, we pushed hard at the end and beat some Paso guys.”

This afternoon the cross country team goes to Lompoc for their next meet. It's going to be a hot one, good luck runners!


-Pohtos by Jessica Pena and Mireya Montiel

Girls' Race Photos
Boys' Race Photos
How Late Do You Stay Up?

“I always sleep early because I'm used to it. But after I come home from school, I blow off homework and head to bed.”

– Chrystal Rodriguez


“I have internet at home, but I don’t think that’s the reason as to why I stay up. Even on school days I can’t seem to sleep. When I can’t sleep, that’s when I decide to go on the internet. Sometimes my favorite show is on Netflix and I just need to watch it.” –Janett Muniz

Some people decide to stay up late while others go to sleep early. Being on the internet is the most obvious reason for staying up, but maybe that's not it. Perhaps your favorite TV show has a marathon and you just can’t resist? Panther Tales talked to a few students to find out how late the average panther stays up...

-Jessica Flores


“I have to sleep at 8 or 9pm on school days. That’s early for me, but I have to because my parents are strict when it comes to school.” –Jocelyn Hernandez

“I don’t have internet, so I can’t really stay up and do nothing. When I do stay up late, I'm awake doing homework. The latest I’ve stayed up since school started would probably be 3am.” –Ana Matias.

“Sometimes I don’t sleep at all. It doesn't matter if it's a school day or not. I’m always on my phone because the app Wishbone keeps me up. It's addicting. My parents sometimes come in my room to check if I’m sleeping and I quickly turn off my phone and snore loudly.”

–Susanne Miranda

PV Pets

Rachel Fernandez has two dogs: Knolee and Benny. She got Benny a couple years ago from the animal shelter in SLO. At the time he was a mostly quiet dog except for the occasional growl when someone arrived at or walked by the door. Knolee on the other hand has always been a barker. Rachel believed that Benny would never bark but was recently proven somewhat wrong. It appears that Knolee taught Benny how to bark, or some form of barking. Rachel describes the experience, “We heard a screech and we were like 'What the heck was that!' So we go outside and it’s Benny 'barking'. He barked and cried at the same time and it sounded like he was dying.”

-Guiselle Aguilar

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