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Congratulations CSF Members!

What do You Think of Our Generation?

Generations always seem to change over time. Each generation has its own label and highlight that define the entire generation. For our generation, it all could be described in just one word: technology.                          -Destiny Chavez

It's time for the age-old debate: Cats vs Dogs. Everyone has their preferences; whether it being fond of the felines, or down with the dogs. Both animals have their own stereotypical personalities. Cats being more laid back and independent, while dogs are more playful and caring. However, all cats and dogs are different; and so are the humans who prefer one from the other. This is the epitome of all pointless debates, but interesting nonetheless. Who will win? Cats or dogs?

-Alexis Dagar


Dogs or Cats?

Yareth Lazaro (left; 12): "I prefer dogs over cats; they seem way nicer."

Maria Mendez (right; 12): "I also prefer dogs because they seem more friendly and welcome to people than cats do."

Aj Aviado (10): “I like dogs because they're more playful; cats don't do anything.

Joseph Segovia (10): "I like cats because they seem to be more laid back than dogs.

Looking to Get in Shape? Try the Weight Room!

The weight room is for all students at PV who would like to work out before school starts. The equipment in the weight room allows students to lift weights, bench press, squat, and also use the pull up bars provided. If you are interested in pumping iron with your fellow panthers, stop by the weight room located by the boys' PE office.

- Jesse Yap

Micheal Martinez (11) has gone to the weight room since his freshmen year. He is also on the football team and enjoys going to the weight room because he gets to hang out with his friends and lift as many weights as he wants. His goals are to be stronger and bigger in the future.

Andrew Aliendo (11) has been going to the weight room since his sophomore year. He is also on the football team and his plan is to become stronger. He uses the squat platform, the pull up bar, and the bench press.

Coach Manosar and Coach Aron volunteer to watch the weight room when kids use it. Coach Manosar is hoping to open up the weight room for all kids every day after school.

Joseph Gonzales (11) has been going to the weight room since his freshmen year. He is currently on the football team. In the weight room, he bench presses and uses the squat platforms. His main goal is to be a great athlete.

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