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Samantha's Big Regret

A repentant Samantha models her weapon of choice.

We all have that time in our lives when we regret ever letting the most cringe-inducing, head shaking moment happen.  Some people just forget about it, while for others, that horrid memory is engraved on their forehead for everyone to see. But let's all be honest here, it happens to the best of us; some more than others. One of them being Samantha Hernandez, a freshman here at PV. She's had her fair share of regrets but this one she truly laments.


It was a good day for Samantha when she and her friend, Ari, decided to go over to their friend Sofia's house to bake a cake. They collected their ingredients, making sure to bring two extra eggs. The day was drawing to a close and it was time to say their goodbyes but things had barely gotten 'eggciting'.


They were outside where Samantha had a death grip on the egg in her fist, as if it was a grenade. She tried to conceal it, but it was too late; Sofia had spotted it. Ari and Samantha glanced at each other, talking with their eyes as Ari made a miniscule shake of her head pleading, don't do it.


For a split second Samantha considered putting the egg down- nope! She sent the egg hurling towards Sofia. Sofia tried to avoid being hit by sprinting towards her fence. She was successful in saving herself but the damage could be seen on the barrier. Fortunately, the debris of the onslaught hadn't caused any serious collateral damage but it did cause the summoning of Sofia's mother. She cracked and banned Samantha and Ari from ever entering their house. It was on that fateful day the two friends got scrambled.

- Alexis Dagar


A man and a group of friends walk into a cafe. When the group is about to leave, they notice another man walk in with an ostrich. The man with the ostrich sits down at the counter and places his order. When he is done, he asks the waiter for the bill, sees it, reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact amount needed.


One of the group members goes up to the man to ask about the ostrich. He asks, “Hey. Me and my buddies have noticed that you always come in here with an ostrich, why is that?” To that, the man responds, “Well, about a month ago, I went to a garage sale. I found what looked to be a well maintained antique brass gravy bowl. When I purchased it, a genie flew out of the lamp. The genie then said, ‘You have freed me from the lamp. I will grant you two wishes.’ At first I wished for having the exact amount of money needed to pay for whatever I wanted,” explicated the man with the ostrich.


“So what about the ostrich,” said the man from the group. “Well that’s where I messed up,” sulked the man with the ostrich, “For my second wish I asked the genie for a chick with long legs.”

- Illustration by Nestor M. Lopez


Friday Funnies

Music Through the Ages

Yesterday Robert Mauer and his wife Dona came to Mr. Hernandez’s music class to educate students on vintage instruments. From the days of cavemen to the days of knights in armor, these instruments go way back.


They were made of many materials like metal, bamboo, clay, wood, and bone from animals… even human bones. It was amazing to see these instruments and see how musical tools have evolved over the years. The audience favorite seemed to be the lute, which was the father of the guitar.


When asked what instrument out of his collection he would love to master, Robert replied, “Ha that’s a hard one, but the accordion.” The Mauers noted that they have been collecting instruments for nearly 40 years.

-April Chavez

The historical instrument expert shows Jose Saavedra (9) how to play the bagpipe.

Yesterday Link Crew had their annual Freshmen pool party. The fun began after school when the pool deck became filled with a bunch of smiling faces ready to cool off on a hot day. The pool party is a way for Freshmen to connect with their fellow classmates as well as their leaders. Ms. Baarstad, Link Crew coordinator as well as a math teacher here on campus believes that its something different, "It’s a fun way to connect everyone as well as to get your mind off school for a while."

-Deja Stewart


Link Crew Pool Party Makes Big Splash

Photos by David Penaloza-Cruz

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