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Finals Week is Here!

-Deja Stewart & Alexis Dagar

Time to take those dreadful tests that will hopefully show how much you've learned throughout the year.  Test takers typically fall into two categories: people who prepare for finals and people who just improvise. If you fall into the first category, there are many methods you could use to help study for this hectic week. Some people listen to music while studying, have study groups, etc. But whatever you do to prepare for finals week, just remember to do your best!

Chris Rojas (12) " Study, Study, Study... If not, wing it."

Sarah Segovia (12) "Color Code your notes when you study to help you memorize. Also make sure to eat a good breakfast."

Lupita Guzman (12) "Don’t overwhelm yourself by studying too much, pace yourself and take your time."

Edgar Ramirez (12) "Make sure you get enough sleep the night before."

A Letter from the Editor-In-Chief

2015 has done wonders. As time goes on, there surely will be more to come. This year has been an incredible learning experience, and I've seen an impressive amount of growth in others and in myself. Being a part of our school's newsletter, Panther Tales, has greatly helped me with both communicative and organizational skills. There were many problems and mistakes made, but that's what, not only I, but our team learns from.


In the beginning, I had no idea I would even have the courage to take the lead position, but I did. I knew I had the potential and I knew my peers did too. I wanted to show them that. As Henry Ford said, "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."


This year, my friends, we've reached success. But that doesn't mean we stop. 2016 has a lot to offer, and when an opportunity comes, we take it. On behalf of our staff here at Panther Tales, we greatly thank you for your time and interest in our hard work. I can assure you, it only gets better from here. Have a great New Year!


-Christina Bulosan,

Panther Tales Editor-In -Chief

A Letter from the Copy Editor

If I'm being honest here, I think this year is the most memorable one I've had so far. I've loved writing ever since elementary school. It’s a way for me to clear my head of thoughts rattling in my mind. And when I found out that there was a journalism class, it was the first elective on my list.


I'm a freshman and I always expected my high school life to be an average one. I expected to blend in with everyone else rather than being one of significance. So when I was asked to be copy editor, I was surprised to say the least. I actually found something in school that I really love; somewhere where I can do what I do best: writing. Overall, 2015 has been a great year that made memories with the ones I love most. See you Panthers in the New Year!


-Alexis Dagar,

Panther Tales Copy Editor

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