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Where Did Santa Come From?

-Alexis Dagar

Christmas is coming and Santa Claus is coming to town! We probably all know who Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Santy, or just simply Santa Claus is. But no one really questions it. A really fat, bearded man with a red uniform organizes a list of all the children in the world. Labeling the kids as either naughty or nice and on one night, he trespasses into our homes by shimmying down the chimney to leave 'gifts' under a tree we put in our houses. So where does this strange man come from?

It all started with the man,

Saint Nicholas.

He was born on March 15, 270 A.D. Later on in life he was elected as bishop and was known for his generosity. One story was of this woman who needed a dowry before she could get married. Nicholas wanted to help her get money, however, he wanted it to be anonymous. He prepared three bags of gold and chucked it through her father's window. But the young woman's father figured out that it was Nicholas who had thrown the bags of gold. From then on, St. Nicholas was attributed to anonymous gifts of generosity.

Panther Scholars Celebrated for 2nd Quarter Achievement

-Jessica Pena

 Yesterday Panthers of The Second Quarter were acknowledged at lunch. Once more teachers came together to decide which students deserved the honor of Panther of the Quarter. Their decisions were made public at the library luncheon where honorees were rewarded with pizza and cake as well as a certificate formalizing their extraordinary achievement. These students worked hard thinking no one was looking, but now know just how much their efforts are appreciated. Awardees were able to share the moment with their parents or guardians and their favorite teacher.

Choir Performance Strikes a Chord

"I really liked the audience and the applauses. I think we did really great, and so did jazz. Thank you so much to Mr. Hernandez for all the help and putting up with us. Overall, it was a good show." – Nickolas Equihua (concert choir, 9)

-April Chavez

“Even though I was nervous, I think the performance went well. I liked listening to all the soloists. And thank you to everyone who came out and supported us.” –Jaecob Mata

(jazz choir, 11)

"I loved the audience. All the songs were amazing both to us and the audience. Everything couldn’t have been better." –Daniel Geiger

(jazz choir, 10)

"It was so wonderful and so amazing! I was having a lot of fun. I loved the lights. I was nervous, but I was comfortable, because I love choir! I can’t wait for the next show. I hope even more people come." –Emika Morita

(concert choir, 10)

PV’s concert choir, jazz choir, and soloists did an amazing job Tuesday night! The winter concert, and it was fun for both the audience and the performers. Mr. Hernandez was very proud of all the performers and loves that there was a full house. Both groups were crowd pleasers. If you didn’t make it to this concert, you should definitely make plans to come to the next one which will no doubt be bigger and better!

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