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Battle on the High Seas Ends in Draw

-Photography by Vanessa Nunez

Giselle’s Very Black Friday

My heart pounded as I saw the worker approach the door to unlock it. His face filled with terror: eyes widened and his lips quivered at the scene before him. People were crushed against the glass while others tried shoving to get to the front as if they had left their humanity at the automatic sliding doors. He slowly turned the key and ran away as people quickly rushed in.


At that moment, people no longer acted as civilized humans, but as savage animals, fighting their way to the top of the food chain. As I saw hordes of people stampede to get the best deals, I ran and dodged various carts and children in pursuit of what I've always wanted: a flat screen T.V.  Reaching to grab the last one, an arm smacked mine out of the way. I turned swiftly in shock. A lady, a mother with her own children, had smacked my hand to reach the T.V. I clawed at the box again. There was no way I was giving up my TV, especially not to this beast!


She yanked at the box, but I refused to let go. My fingers curled around the edges, knuckles turning white.
"Don't make me call your mother!" she hissed.
"Go ahead! We'll both take you down!" I snarled back.


Her eyes widened in surprise at my blunt remark. Suddenly, her child began to cry. She turned to see what was wrong, and I snatched the box out of her hands and ran off.
"I always get what I want," I murmured as I made my way towards the checkout lane.

- Giselle Gutierrez

Cold Season is Here, Try These Remedies:

Do you ever have a headache, stuffy nose, or you’re just plain sick? So much so that you want to get rid of the horrible pain and the traditional remedies aren't so effective? Well here are some different remedies you can try:


Headache: For a headache your parents will for sure say to take some medicine and rest, but have you ever heard of pinching your ears from top to bottom to make the pain go away? Try it to find out the results!


Stuffy Nose: For a congested or runny nose you usually get nose drops from a doctor right? Well another way to get rid of a stuffy nose is to pinch your nose and close your mouth and walk really fast at least 20-30 steps, try to keep your body relaxed and when you have an urge to breathe let go, but keep your breathing at a minimum pace, not gasping for air while keeping your body relaxed.


Sore Throat: To get rid of that irritating sore throat. Get a spoon of salt and mix it with warm water. Gargle it at least 3-4 times. Do Not Swallow! Another remedy for a sore throat is to gargle a cap-full of hydrogen peroxide also, not to be swallowed.


For a stomach ache make sure to have an empty stomach in the morning and eat a spoonful olive oil. As well as drink a lot of fluids including Gatorade, juice, and especially water.


Hope these remedies help, especially during this chilly weather!

-Arleth Tapia

Worst Christmas Gifts

The holidays are here! Time to gather around with your family and spend some quality time together. But what most people are looking forward to, are the gifts. Some years we could get the most awesome gifts, but there are some years that are not so great when it comes to presents. Let's all be honest here, everyone's received socks for Christmas at one point in their life. There's nothing wrong with socks, but sometimes we expect something else. Nonetheless, we should all remember that it's the thought that counts!

-Ariadne Alvarado

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