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Panthers and Their Cats

Unlike dogs, cats are very independent. They love to wander around freely and walk around the house doing whatever they want. Cats don’t need attention like dogs do. They are funny pets when it comes to something that they like. If you’ve ever had a cat, you know that they love to attack any moving objects. If they see any quick movement, they pounce towards it, trying to catch whatever it is that’s moving. They are amazing pets.

Emmy De La Pena (12), “My cat's name is Kitty and she gives me cuddles when I’m sad. She makes me smile every day. She meows and scratches my door at night when she wants to come into my room. Kitty is so funny when she’s chasing bugs around. She does try to kill me!”

Jasmin Ramos (12),

“My cat's name is

Kitty and I found

her abandoned

when she was just

a kitten. I bottle

fed her and raised

her because her

cat-mother did not

raise her. Because

of that, she grew

up to be evil and

untamed. She is

one year old and

is the most evil cat you could ever meet, but she is also different in her own ways. She loves baths, loves car rides, and loves to take my pencil when I’m doing homework.”

Dinora Rojas (12), “My cats name is Marvin. I just got my cat, but so far he’s getting used to his new home. He’s a really calm cat and I am slowly becoming a cat lover.”

Daniel Teniente (12), “My cat's name is Hazel and she is sweet, annoying, funny, and sometimes mean. She tries to scratch my eyes out occasionally. She meows over and over when she doesn’t use her litter box and that really gets on my nerves.”

-Jasmin Ramos

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Harrelson

Ms. Harrelson’s teaching career began later than most and had several different jobs leading up to her current position. Before pursing her college degree at age 41, she was a police and fire dispatcher and 911 operator for eleven years. While taking her college courses she worked as a bartender.


More recently, Ms. Harrelson has been involved with our PV Color Guard. "I became the adviser for Color Guard because I loved being in Color Guard when I was in high school. I really believe learning how to interact socially is an important part of high school. Learning how to work in a group is so important for success in our future."  As a Flag Twirler (name for color guard back in the day) Ms. Harrelson made some of her best memories.


Ms. Harrelson praises the hard work and dedication the PV Color Guard puts out. As for being a teacher, she says she loves her job and loves us, the students. A very important thing she wants people to remember is to 'find the humor in life.'                       

-Jaime Ramirez 

Harrelson and her high Color Guard team.

Thanksgiving Humor

Did you hear of that pumpkin pie recepie?

-It only cost 3.1415925359...

The soup the pilgrims made was so expensive!

-I heard they added in 24 carats!

What did the turkey say when it wasn't hungry anymore?

-I feel stuffed!

What music genre do pilgrims listen to?

-Plymouth Rock!

-Alexis Dagar

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