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Senior Pix are Up, Stop by Room 205

Seniors stop by room 205 to view your Sr. picture right away. If there are any problems or your picture is missing, contact Mr. Howard immediately! This is your only opportunity to get the problem fixed. If you were unable to get a picture taken or are not happy with the one you submitted, free retakes will be offered all next week starting this coming Monday at lunch in room 205. Please make an appointment with Mr. Howard first.

Musical Opens Tomorrow

Pioneer Valley High School Center Stage presents this year's musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Follow the story of 6 different kids from the ages of 10-12 who, through their humor, express the difficulties they face in their lives, but all maintain a deep passion for spelling. Throughout the play, these children will not only grow to accept the challenges of life, but will grow within your hearts as well.

Join us on Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 5th-Nov. 7th & Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 12th-Nov.14th. It is located in the 500's building next to the cafeteria and will begin at 7pm. Admission: Students and Senior Citizens: $6 Other/General: $8

-Christina Bulosan

PV Students on Tour

-Emika Morita

This past Sunday, November 1st, Ballet

Folklorico performed for Hospice of San

Luis Obispo at the Mission Plaza in San

Luis Obispo in dedication to Day of the

Dead. The group honored this Mexican

tradition and paid respect to their

ancestors and all loved ones who have

passed away. They also danced along

with a live mariachi group with a crowd

of about 5,000 people watching and

supporting the celebration.

This type of community service is

important to our group because we are

honoring a very special ritual. Since it is

the day in which the living remember

their departed relatives and for those who

are in hospice care and their families, it

may ease the transition they will make. Our celebration represents a view of death as a continuation of life. Sometimes, when people of other cultures hear for the first time about the celebration of the Day of the Dead, they mistakenly think it must be: gruesome, terrifying, scary, ugly and sad. Nothing further from the truth, Day of the Dead is a beautiful ritual in which Mexicans and other Latinos happily and lovingly remember their loved relatives that have passed away, much like when we go to the cemetery to leave some lovely flowers upon the tomb of a relative. This day gives a chance to reflect on the close connection between life and death, the love of our ancestors, and show support for those who are currently in hospice care. 'Dia de los Muertos' means living alongside death as a reality, not as something to be feared. In Mexican culture, we have learned to accept it within our lives with this special day.


Laura Flores (12), "El Dia de los Muertos is an important date for me, because it is part of my Mexican heritage. It's an important date for every Mexican family, because we celebrate the death of a family member. We eat their favorite foods and remember them as they were before passing away."


Andrea Frausto (12), "It means a lot to me to dance on Day of the Dead because I remember my family members who have passed away and had a great impact in my life. It's me giving back to them."

-R. Maldonado

Ballet Folklorico Performs in Day of the Dead Celebration
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