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Enter their queen choice:

Ashley     Q1

April        Q2

Hannah    Q3

Alana        Q4

Skyler        Q5

Andrea        Q6


Enter your choice for King:

Joe Codamos        K1

Raymond Hernaez   K2


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Dance Pictures Start at 5pm!!

Homecoming Game Tonight!

Happy Homecoming Panthers! For our Homecoming game we will be playing Santa Ynez. The Pirates have had a good season so far with a 7-1 record, losing only their first game to Lompoc. Their star player is running back Austin Vreeland #23. He is one of the fastest backs in California. The Panthers defense will be working hard to keep Vreeland from gaining yards. A player to watch for PV is Anthony Estrada #23. Catch him in the end zone a couple of times. Let's go out there and rock our teal, black, and pink for this amazing game! They will be announcing the homecoming queen at halftime. The game will start at 7:00pm for varsity. See you there!

“This will be a big game for PV. Let's go put in work!" -Jesus Rocha #60

-Allan VanNostrand

Here's Some Tips for the Dance:

Every dance should be an amazing experience and Homecoming is a great traditional event! It’s what we all see in those high school movies. It all ends with everyone having a great time. Here are some tips to help you make Homecoming your own great movie!


-Wear shoes that you know you can dance all night in.

-Deodorant is very important (You’d be surprised how many forget).

-Girls, make sure you have a bag that you will be able to dance with.

-Dance! Don’t be afraid of expressing yourself!

-It’s okay to recommend songs to the DJ; he won’t bite!

-Don’t forget to take lots of pictures, capture those unforgettable moments!

-Going in a group can always be more entertaining.


-Remember to eat before the dance (you don’t want to be hungry).

-Sing along to every song you can!

-Make sure you plan on where you want to eat after the dance.

-Be confident in your attire! Love what you're wearing!

-If you don’t know how to dance, just move to the beat!

-Know your space when dancing (you don’t want to trip on someone).

-Don’t start conflict. The night won't be fun with drama.

-Stay hydrated and don’t be scared to go outside for a breath of fresh air!

-Be prepared to talk loud, it’s hard to hear your peers with the music blasting.


-April Chavez

Pictures Start at 5pm!!

Glow Up

The phrase “glow up” is used all over social media. It's similar to “Throwback Thursday” or “Flashback Friday.” People usually post pictures of when they were younger to compare to how they look now. The meaning of the phrase is “an amazing transformation” as Urban Dictionary describes it. Here are a few students who “glowed up.”

Gladys Garcia (9)

“People thought I was weird, quiet, and a tomboy. I was awkward because I was one of the only people wearing glasses. I’m still weird though, just not as much. I would say I’m just very curious.”

Bryanna Kellerman (11)

“When I was younger, I used to be a tomboy and hang out with mostly boys and play football.  Now I’m a cheerleader and a lot more girly.”

Ronal Mendoza (12)

“When I was younger, people thought I was a weirdo, a nerd, and a geek.”

Ms. Conrad (Teacher)

“I was always a goofball and I still am.  People thought I was friendly and outgoing.  I knew a lot of people and was actually voted best personality in my senior class!”

-Melanie Naraval

Panther Tennis Players Put Up Strong Fight Against Bearcats

Last night PV’s Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team hosted Paso Robles. It was a close competition, but the Bearcats won by 2 points.

“It was such an emotional night, being the last home game of the season. We put our hearts into it and did the best we could. More than anything it was a great bonding experience for the team!” -Kate Rengel









-Christina Bulosan

Homecoming Skits Set Stage for Great Weekend; Seniors Win!





-Photography by D. Howard

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