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Congratulations Panthers of the First Quarter!

The Students of the 1st Quarter were acknowledged during a lunchtime celebration yesterday. Four students from each class were recognized for their outstanding scholastic achievements and treated to pizza and cake. The honorees were encouraged to invite their parents and teachers to show support for their achievements. It’s a way for the teachers and parents to recognize the hard work that the students have done this past quarter. Ms. Martinez, the event coordinator, was beaming with pride as she handed out awards to the studious Panthers.


-Vanessa Nunez and Jessica Pena

“I do all of my homework right when I get home. The next day I always ask my teachers about any questions I have.” -Sasha Brafman (9)

“I always try hard to do my best and put all my energy into my passion.”

-Joseph Madrigal (11)

“I just try to memorize all the stuff my teacher tells me, whether it is hard or not.”

-Juan Antonio (9)

On Track Credit Recovery is a program here at PVHS that allows students from all grades to catch up on any missing credits that they might have lost from previous school years.  OTCR is held in the Library Computer Lab 1.  They’re open Monday-Thursday from 3:15-5:15 pm.  Anyone is welcome to join but you must sign up first and then sign in each day before you begin.


Mrs. Leornas, the Thursday advisor for OTCR, shared some tips , “You should take good notes!  The notes really do help you.  You should also make a schedule so you know how much time would be enough to spend doing your work.  Some students may come in only two times a week and they spend about two hours and other students come in everyday and only have to do about one hour because they get enough work done within that time.  OTCR is a pass or fail grade only, so it’s important you come, because if you don’t get caught up with credits in time, you will either go to Delta or you won’t graduate at all.”


If you are missing any credits from any previous years, come to OTCR and get on track! It will definitely benefit you and your future.

- Destiny Chavez

OTCR is the Place to Make UP Credits

Ms. Leornas, a math teacher that helps OTCR on Thursdays

OTCR student logging onto Plato.

Look Out, We're in for Another Hot One

The forecast for today is 89 and tomorrow 93 degrees!  Here are some tips to stay cool:

  • Avoid activities in direct sunlight or on hot asphalt surfaces.

  • Avoid wearing any dark colors that will attract the sunlight.

  • Wear any loose clothing that will let your body breathe in a little air.

  • Watch out for dehydration, drink as much water as you can.

  • If you are wearing a cap or hat, pour a bit of ice cold water into it.

  • Try to avoid eating hot or warm food. Eat cold fruit or low fat dairy products.

  • After a long, hot, sunny day, get home and take a nice cold bath.

  • Run cool water on your wrist for ten minutes, it will keep you cooler.

  • If you have any headaches, feeling nausea, or feel unwell, get to a cool, shady place as soon as possible to rest.

  • Stay in a room where there is less sunlight.

  • Carry a portable fan with you.

  • Lie down on a cold, wooden floor.

“I love how I can be fashionable! I love to wear the very comfortable skirts, shorts, tanks, tees!”

-Maria Correa

What do you think of this unusual heat?

"The feeling of summertime is what I like! I love to eat chocolate ice cream all night long if I am dying of hotness!” -Jerian

“I love to go out and enjoy a nice cold swim at the pools.”

–Oscar Ramirez

“I get very thirsty, so I throw a water bottle in the freezer the night before and the next day it`s nice and cold, aaaahh!”

–Carlos Morales

“I love to enjoy the sunlight but still want to stay cool, so I sit under a tree for some shade.” -Cobi Morales

-Shelvy Sanchez

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