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Milinda and Justin Remembered at PV Memorial Basketball Scholarship Tournament

Justin's father thanked everyone for coming to the event to help support both Justin and Melinda, quoting that he knows, "they are here at the event with all of them."   

Brother of Justin, Mathew Walker: “… good to see all the supportive faces and to be back. It's a little weird not seeing him play here."

Lanthier was presented with a gift from the family of Justin Walker, thanking him for the amazing event and memorial scholarships he helped to create for their son Justin and Melinda.  

Reyna Parra (Milinda’s sister): “Some of our best times were our trips to Disneyland because it’s our favorite place to be. It really is the happiest place on Earth. My most memorable time with her was just every time we got to sit down and tell each other anything of everything. Things only sisters can tell each other.”

"When the tragedy occurred there was not much they could do at the time to memorialize them since it happened over the summer. They both loved basketball and this event was great to have. The school helped raise money to create memorial scholarships to carry on their names. This event was good for their classmates healing. ...both Justin and Melinda would have loved to have been a part of this event." -Mr. Lanthier  

“The first day we hung out she told me to get dropped off at her house at 10:32 in the morning. She got ready and we didn’t know what to do, but it’s Milinda and she was always hungry, so we decided to walk to Burger King and she wanted to take the long way. We spent that whole day together. I left her house at 12 in the morning. She was teaching me basketball skills and everything. I’m going to miss her.” - Elisa Cano



YELL Proves Fun & Motivational

This past Saturday the Young Educated Latino Leaders Conference better known as the YELL Conference took place at the Marian Theatre at Hancock College. Students from all SMJUHSD schools got a free ride and entry to the event that encouraged students to set higher educational goals by providing college and career guidance, as well as personalized stories of success.


It was an amazing event! Dancers, a famous actor, great stories, and overall it was very inspirational. A dance crew named The Daydreamers preformed first and really got the crowd pumped. Then the man that helped start the movement, Dr. Mendoza, kicked off the event with some wise things to say. The host of the event was Yvonne Teninte Cuello and she really knew how to keep people positive.


Throughout the whole event all the speakers kept talking about these three steps: 1) Find out what your heart wants to do. 2) Do what you have to do to get there. 3) Do it, do the work, take the journey. Discover one, research two and do three. This really got a lot of people thinking more about a college and liking the idea of it.


Also all the prizes that were given were nice!! Starbucks cards, In-N-Out, Red Robbin, Movie tickets and even TWO mini iPad’s. And for lunch there was free pizza and water and lots of smiles.                                            -April Chavez



The guest speaker really pulled the fan girl out of many people in the crowd: the actor, Carlos Pratts. He was a handsome fella and the ladies loved him. He said that a big inspiration to him is his mother. He had a lot of love to give the crowd, considering how much he said, “Ha, I love you too.”


“It was a great experience and we learned that no matter what background you have you CAN go to college and you can make it.”

–Jennifer Ramirez &

Brita Vicente




“I am so happy and impressed with this turn out, I was just the start, but to see the way all these other people have taken over, it’s great. We really want kids to know college is amazing and everyone is capable of greatness no matter your race or background.”  -Dr. Mendoza




“I feel like the energy was amazing and very exciting. There was just so many good life stories and advice and I loved all the speakers.” -Yvonne Teninte Cuello


Center Stage Rocks Club Rush

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