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Weekly Calendar




Tuesday, May 24

Student Council Business Meeting - 7:30 am - Room 508 Ballet Folklorico meeting - lunch - Room 214

BSU Meeting - lunch - Room 603

SHARe Club meeting - lunch - Room 555

Asian-Pacific – lunch – Room 366

ASTRA meeting – Lunch – Room 508

Panthers Got Talent – Lunch - amphitheatre


Wednesday, May 25

FCA Meeting - lunch - Room 555

Club Salsa Caliente - lunch - Room 603

GSA - 12:35 pm - Room 421

PV Smash Club – lunch – Room 611

Panthers Got Talent – Lunch - amphitheatre


Thursday, May 26

Student Council Business Meeting - 7:30- Room 508

Mock Trial - lunch - Room 212

GRAD NITE (security will be present for overnight parking)


Friday, May 27  **NO SCHOOL


-Animation by Angelina Salas

Club Spotlight: K-Pop

"I feel like that the club will grow more in the future because I'm sure there's others out there who love K-Pop and dancing like I do.” -Leslie Corona (9, President)

“I'm not really a dancer, so like joining this club made me really come out of my shell and become more social. This club doesn't even feel like a club to me. It feels like a family.” -Clarissa Naniong (10, Vice President)

If you have an appreciation for k-pop, both music and culture, this is the club for you! I interviewed some members of the club and asked them how they feel about PV’s K-Pop organization.


"Hello this is Ms. Zambrano. I am the advisor for the K-Pop club. We are a club that enjoys Korean Pop Music and videos. We are open to all students on campus. Anyone can join at anytime. First of all, the club is new, we just started in March. In that short amount of time, the K-Pop club has already had 2 performances, so there is the performance aspect. If you like dancing, and you like K-Pop music, you have that option. We also get together and do critiques of the latest videos that have come out. Another thing that they have done is share their love for Korean food and even bring in snacks. There were these cookies with chocolate in them and were actually really good and some rice logs. Anyway, next year we will be starting in the fall. Again, membership is open to all PV students. It is a great club, and a lot of our members have become great friends, thanks to the club. So yes, Room 213, come on down!" -Ms. Zambrano (Advisor).

-April Chavez

"I think this club will be awesome! I got really excited when I first heard about it. I can't wait to see it grow as the years go by." - Angelina Gonzales (9)

Mr. Baseball Reviewed

Mr. Baseball is the movie of struggling major leaguer who is traded to Japanese baseball. You will find a lot of awkward scene which never seen at ball park in your country in this movie.


For example, the announcer claims the game is not done if the score is tied. “Never tie in baseball!” But in Japan, they do finish the game after they play 12 innings, even if the score is tied. Moreover, you will see men who trumpet at the park. This is the common scene which seems everyday in Japanese pro baseball game. Surprisingly they are volunteers but appear at every game. The sounds of those guys make Japanese baseball unique. That is what I felt when I visited Major League Baseball for the first time and I found an organist instead of those trumpeter. Actually like as well as football and marching band is usual in America, Japanese baseball and band are normal things. I have also played at the baseball game of my high school team in Japan.


I really enjoyed the movie with recognizing the difference of the culture and baseball between both countries.

-Emika Morita

Seniors, Getting a Fresh Start

In about two weeks, the Seniors, those students that are the glue that holds Pioneer Valley together, will be gone and starting new lives as adults, going to college and/or getting jobs. Many have set plans and many have dreams that will soon become reality. The world is their stage and performing what you love and want to do is the goal. Farewell Seniors, good luck with the future plans that fill your mind.

-Madi Skaufel

"My plan after high school is going straight to the military for the Air Force. I want to become a nurse and help others. At the same time, I am going to miss everyone and all my friends when I leave for boot camp. I believe that I will do my best and kick some butt! I am really looking forward to graduating and pursuing my future career."

-Hillary Pedroche (12)

"After high school, I'm going to do sports and get my general education done. Then hopefully I'll transfer out to a university where I can major in criminology."

-Victor Osalde (12)

"I'm joining the Air Force for six years. Hopefully I'll be stationed overseas. I'll most likely be doing Aircrew Egress Systems which has to do deal with ejection seats and things like that in fighter jets."

-Pedro Sierra (12)

"After I graduate high school, I am going to take a year off of school and travel as much as possible. Also, in October I'm going to be traveling to Ireland."

-Dinora Rojas (12)

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