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Panthers Got Talent Tryouts Going on Now

Today is the day to showcase your talent and audition for this year's Panther's Got Talent! It's PV's first year to change Panther Idol to Panther's Got Talent so all talents are welcomed and not restricted to singing. Everyone has at least one talent whether they know it or not. No matter it being singing and dancing, to acrobats and magic tricks. Now's the time to put your game face on and audition. Notice: people auditioning to sing, will be performing acapella. If you miss today's auditions, it is being held tomorrow again in the ASB room during lunch.

Letarian Brandon (10) "I will be singing a song from Panic! At the Disco for my audition. I learned the song since it came out so I'm ready. I'm not so nervous but I'm also not as confident with this audition. It would be great if I was picked for the competition."

Chrissela Villafuerte (12, right) "I will be singing a song with my friend Nancy, who is playing the ukulele. Mostly I will be singing. At first I wasn't scared but now I'm kind of starting to get nervous. It would be amazing if I was picked!"

-Melanie Naraval

Panthers Tell Lies

We’ve all been there, and we’ve all done it; telling lies. For some of us, telling lies is a big part of our lives, while some of us rarely lie. Studies show that 25% of lies we tell are for someone else’s sake, so maybe you tried helping a friend out by lying and not really telling them the truth. Studies also show that we, as humans, are lied to, on average, about 200 times a day. So I asked your fellow panthers, “What was the last lie you told.”


-Carolina Serna 

Powder Puff Cheerleader Practice with Passion

Senior Powder Puff Cheerleaders are a bunch of booty-shaking determined guys who want to entertain the crowds and cheer on the girls playing. The boys have two weeks to learn a halftime routine and chants to preform on the sidelines. They will be practicing from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. every night. Hard work is what the boys have been doing. It's a fight to see which class can dance better! Lookout for the guys wearing their made up girl outfits, make up and watch their half time at the school rally Friday the 20th and at the game the same day.

"I am excited because it's my last year to do something fun. I'm pretty sure we can beat the juniors because they can't catch a ball and we have a good D-Line."

Edson Sierra (12)

"I'm excited about getting to dance because you don't dance like that at prom or something. Obviously we are going to beat the juniors because we're seniors and they suck." Christian Escobar (12)

"I wanted to do powder puff because I'm not really a big school spirit person and multiple people convinced me to do it. It turned out to be pretty fun. I think we have been working hard and are going to win."

Jacob Bobadilla (12)

"I am ready to wear those booty shorts and show them legs off for once. We are better than the juniors, like you don't even need to think about it because we got Edson on our side."

Jordy Villagomez (12)

-Madison Skaufel

Music Survey

Music is a way for people to express their individuality in a creative way. There are songs for every occasion. Whether that being breaking into dance with your favorite song on the radio to just taking a breather with something a bit more mellow. There are so many different genres and sub genres of music out there. So what's your favorite?

Weekly Calendar




Thursday, May 12

Student Council Business Meeting - 7:30 am - Room 508 Mock Trial - lunch - Room 212

Rally for PVHS Staff vs SMHS Staff Soccer Game – lunch Panthers Got Talent tryouts – lunch – Room 508

Center Stage Dinner Theatre Performance - 6pm


Friday, May 13

PVHS Staff vs SMHS Staff Soccer Game – 4:30 pm – SMHS

PVHS Concert and Jazz Bands Annual Spring Concert -7pm


Saturday, May 14

Prom – 9pm – 1 am – Elks * Pictures begin at 5




Fri 5-13

4:30 V Baseball @ M Prep 

4:30 JV Baseball vs M Prep

PVHS Staff vs SMHS Staff Soccer Game – 4:30 pm – SMHS 

-Animation by Berenice Sanchez

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