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PV Art on Display at Mall

-Tina Bulosan

This entire month, the Santa Maria Art Council is hosting an art show at the mall! You are welcomed to see various artworks in many different styles such as 3D, photography, watercolor, paper mache, etc. The artworks were created by artists from 7th-12th grade from various schools, including Pioneer Valley. The art show is located upstairs between Whipper Snippers and the gymnastics center. Some artworks are from Mr. Paulus and Mr. Karamitso's students. If you know that your or your friends' works are there, go ahead and check it out! Everything is on display for you to see from 1pm-5pm throughout this month.

Blood Drive a Great Success

Key Club hosted an extremely successful blood drive on yesterday with over 110 students signed up to donate blood. The blood center is part of a network of communities of blood centers across the country. The blood is first disturbed locally; sometimes, it is shared between communities, so blood is not wasted.

"I feel like the blood drive went well. A lot of people signed up, and many of them showed up. However, some students were turned down due to iron deficiency."

- Aaron Mendoza (12)

"The blood drive was pretty successful. However, there were some minor setbacks. Even if just one person donates, it could save a life." -Diego Cardenas (12), President of Key Club

-Catalina Lopez

"It was a crushing success. We had 26 students waiting to donate at one point. We had overwhelming success with no big setbacks."

-Mark Eichenberg

"I felt kind of nervous, but at the same time I was excited. I donated because I wanted to find out my blood type."

-Emmy Dela Peñ​​​a (12)

"I donated to get out of class. I feel anxious about donating."

-Cedrick Pullen (12)

Panthers Take to the Track

-Photos by Mona Garcia & Jasmin Chavez

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