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2016 Cousins Photos

-Photos by Mr. Howard

Nervous About That Presentation?

There are two different types of people out there when it comes to presenting. There's ones with sweaty palms and knobby knees, stuttering in the first sentence of their presentation. And then there's the one's who can't wait for the spotlight to be on them. If public presenting is not your forte and find it to be a tad nerve-wracking, you're just in luck because here are some fellow Panthers spreading their wisdom on public presentations!

-Alexis Dagar & Melanie Naraval

How Much Does That Dress Cost???

Wondering how much money you should spend on a prom dress? We have created a survey that will hopefuly establish what is “normal” at PV. We are not talking about the accessories, shoes, etc.; we are just talking about the dress. Please take this survey to help us find out how much the average lady Panther has budgeted for her prom dress.

PVHS Prom 2015

Senior Cheerleaders Bid a Fond Farewell

Senior cheerleaders ended their last games and season with a final farewell in February. The Senior Varsity squad consists of 8 loud, spirited girls. Some have been cheering together since freshman year of high school, and some have joined in the last year. Blood, sweat, and tears were overcome by the rush of nailing a perfect halftime or performance, cheers, stunts, camp, and bonding. All 8 seniors have grown up together and lived every summer, fall, and winter together.

-Madison Skaufel

Last Thursday was the team photo, and really, this was the first time coming back together after the season ended, looking back on what had been achieved and what challenges had been overcome since becoming Cheer Sisters. Cheer will always be apart of every cheerleader, because sisters are forever. I, being one of those 8 girls can forever say that being part of the Pioneer Valley Cheer Squad was worth all the tears, anger, joy, stress, and hard work, because a family was formed and many memories were made.

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