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Got Spirit?

What class has the most spirit?

Do you think the spirit decreases after football season?

-Emilia Martinez

Brigitte Vargas (9): “I think that the seniors have the most spirit because it's obviously their last year and they want to make a memory out of it. I feel like the spirit does decrease, because everyone is more into football and because the other sports' games aren't as interesting or exciting.”

Ashley Garcia (11): “The juniors and seniors definitely have the most spirit because it's the last two years for juniors, so they tend to feel more pride and spirit and the seniors because they are about to graduate and want to make their last year memorable. Yes it lowers, because football season gives people the adrenaline and everyone goes to the football games. Not that many people support the other sports unfortunately.”

Destiny Trigueros (11): “Seniors have the most spirit. No question about it. The spirit definitely decreases, because during the football season everyone wants to go, and no one really wants to go to the other sports during the spring and winter. Except for soccer of course.”

Derek DeGeus (12): “I think that the class of '16 has the most spirit, only because we have been here so long that we are almost forced to love this place. Yeah, I think the spirit kind of dies down. It’s like we never have a rally about soccer or wrestling. It feels like the school only cares about football.”

Don't Forget to Vote!

Voting for class officers ends at 1pm TODAY.  If you have students in your class who would like to vote, here is the process:


NOTE:  Only the class members electing the officers can vote for those officers, i.e., only Class of 2017 members can vote for their officers for next year. Only the contested positions are up for a vote.


Text to (805) 715-4265 One phone may be used for as many votes as needed.  Student IDs can only be used once.


Class of 2017  President                     Class of 2018 President and Vice President                           Class of 2019 Vice President and Treasurer

Jewelle Biascan  1                               Ashley Gutierrez P1                                                                Leticia Medina VP11

Wardi Ghali  2                                     Viviana Salazar P2                                                                  Valeria Ramos  VP22

Dania Padilla  3

                                                            Faith Gonzales  VP1                                                                Samantha Garcia  T1

                                                            Isabel Guardado  VP2                                                             Brigitte Vargas  T2


Students will enter their six digit ID number, a space, choice, a space, choice and then send.  Example:


Class of 2017 – 123456 4 <send>

Class of 2018 – 123456 P3 VP3 <send>

Class of 2019 – 123456 VP33 T3 <send>


Students will receive a message when their vote is counted. 

 Paulus Art Projects Prove Trash Can be Beautiful

-Photography by Mr. Paulus

“This art project was to be made of trash, naturally I suggest it be myself, but my friends disagreed. It took two days, five pizza boxes, and a whole lot of glitter. (With little instruction). My group met up and together and we created something only teen age girls can understand. We called it, “Time Stands still when You See that Special Someone”, a bit wordy, but it fit. We put a lot of effort into it and we had fun making it.” –Vanessa Nunez

Yearbook Sales End Today!

The yearbook sales end today. This is the last opportunity to order your own yearbook. The yearbook includes memories of this year from dances to students’ portraits. It is a great way to see how you and your friends changed throughout this year. It is a great way to immortalize this year to look back on in the future. The yearbook has a hefty price of $95.00 but it will be the best book you ever buy because it’s about you. Order yours today at:

Friday Funnies

-Alexis Dagar

Good Luck Varsity Soccer

-Photo by Monica Raygoza

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