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Valentine’s Day, Love it or Leave it?

Valentine's Day is this Sunday and love is in the air.  However, for some hearing the word 'valentine' is a little annoying. Love and friendship are feelings traditionally shared on Valentine’s Day, but for others it is a time to embrace their status as a lone wolf. How do you feel about Valentine’s Day?

"I have no overall opinion on the subject of Valentine's Day because I've never in my life had a valentine, nor do I find so amusing." (10) Gerson  Duran 

"I don't really care for Valentine's Day. Well, you get what you get and watch people get, haha. I really don’t ever get anything though, it's pretty sad." Aurora Hernandez (10, right)


"Valentine's Day is annoying, I never really celebrate it. It's just another one of those days to me." Liseth Sosa (9, left)

"I like Valentine's Day because it expresses who you really are and the person you like."

-Julian Bautista (11)

-Story by  Joana Yanez

Where Did Valentine's Day Come From?

-Alexis Dagar

It's that time of the year where we bust out our wallets to buy Valentine's Day cards, chocolates, and flowers to express our love for the ones that count most! Whether it being a family member, friend,

or your boo, it's that time to show how much you care. We celebrate this loving day on the 14th of February but no one knows where it really came about. Valentine's Day originated as a Christian-based celebration of St. Valentine, a Roman saint in the third century.

There are legends about him and how he became so well-known. Some include

of Valentine being a priest when Emperor Claudius II concluded that single

men preform better as soldiers than those whom of which are married with

children and banned young men from marrying. Valentine thought this as

an injustice and continued to marry off young men in secret. Another

legend claims that a man named Valentine was in prison but sent the

first ever Valentine's Day card to a young woman whom visited him

during his confinement. Before his execution, he signed his letter:

"From your Valentine" which is a phrase people still use today.

Valentine's Day is a day in which we celebrate his death

or burial which occurred around A.D. 270

on February 14th. Happy Valentine's Day

and remember to give a hug

and share the love!

What Movie Will You and Your Valentine be Watching This Weekend?

-Interviews by  Catalina Lopez and Deja Stewart

Friday Funnies

-Alexis Dagar

In Progress...

Happy Valentine's Day from the Panther Tales
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